Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet, sweet summer!

We have had a full, busy, fun summer so far, but I have let my blogging go by the wayside. Sad day. However, I am going to try to be a better blogger. We will see how that goes.

This has been the summer full of weddings. I think we were invited to six weddings in the month of July alone. Obviously I was not able to attend them all, but the ones I was able to attend were so beautiful. Going to weddings by yourself is not that fun though and really made me miss GB. On top of weddings we have snuck a few trips in. The lastest and greatest was DISNEYLAND!!

Here is tip. Don't go to Disneyland in the middle of summer. It is crowded and hot. The best thing we did was to get to the park at opening and get in as many rides as possible in the morning before the sun hit scorching levels and before the crowds become beyond obnoxious. I am really impressed that we were able to get 5 adults and an almost 11 month old ready and in the park before it actually opened. It was a spur of the moment trip. Even though it was fairly crowded and very warm, we had a great time. We made some amazing memories including me walking in the park and starting to cry hysterically. I was all the sudden overcome with guilt because GB couldn't be there and was missing out on Max's first trip. I looked like an idiot, but don't you worry, it wasn't the only time I cried in the park. I am a hot mess sometimes. Max was a little unsure about the rides at first, but was really starting to enjoy them by the end. His favorite part of the whole trip was the parade! He giggled and clapped and watched in amazement! Here is a glimpse into our trek into the happiest place on Earth!
He rocked the ears almost the entire time we were there.
So much to point at in Disneyland!
Mad Hatter Tea Party! <3

Meeting Minnie!!
We are looking forward to returning in the future when we are all together and when Max will enjoy the rides and have a little better understanding about what is going on.

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